Warriors & Wildmen

E38: Two Bro’s Give Billy Graham An Epic Tribute For A Life Well Lived

Rich and Doug pay homage to Billy Graham and it’s pretty legit. We doubt you’ll hear Graham memorialized like this!


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E37: WATCH! Here’s 4 Ways Not To Be A Soul Sucking Leech

Rich and Doug’s unfortunate target this week is the negative people who whiz on one’s faith, vision and dreams. They also provoke the listener to become more than just a dial tone and become a true and continued source of courage for the faint of heart.
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E36: Dirty Harry Prayers: Here’s The Most Controversial Prayers In The Bible

Rich and Doug go to a place in the scripture where few fear to tread namely, The Imprecatory Psalms. Are their assessments of these texts right on or just ridiculous? Enjoy.


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E35: These Two Bro’s Dropkick The Dweebs Who Say Masculinity Is ‘Toxic’

The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question.

E34: World-Changers

Rich and Doug dig into the absolute essentials for those of us looking to leave a scar on this planet. Get ready to take notes. Enjoy.


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E33: Christianity, The Arts And The Church’s Addiction To Mediocrity

Rich and Doug discuss the powerful role artists have played, throughout history, in communicating life’s complexities through the painter’s brush, the writer’s pen and the singer’s song. Artistic Christians will definitely want to hear this podcast.

Find Doug’s amazing artwork HERE: http://douggiles.art/

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E32: Two Christian Bro’s Call BS On Oprah’s Golden Globe’s Speech

Rich and Doug take The Left’s newly crowned queen, Oprah, to task for her rank hypocrisy in her #TimesUp speech. Enjoy.


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E31: If You Don’t Have These FIVE Things Your 2018 Will Suck Just Like 2017

This’ll whiz on the indolent’s 2018 pipe dreams.

However, for those serious about turning their life around, OMG, this is grist for the warrior’s mill. Enjoy and share with snowflakes and young stallions. #judochop

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