
E348: Should Parents Be Accountable For Their Kids Crimes?

Rich and Doug discuss the culpability of parents in a recent landmark trial.

E337: Here’s How Christians Assist Satan

Doug and special guest Albin Sadar expose how believers aid and abet evil in this pure-fire podcast.

E336: Border War.

Rich and Doug blame Democrats and Republicans for the border BS. Here’s why…

E332: Evils in the World

Rich and Doug discuss the evils of this world and how to pray mighty prayers. This is a powerful episode that you won’t want to miss!

E323: Hamas, No Mas!

Rich and Doug discuss the demonic attack on Israel by Hamas Terrorists in this epic podcast

E318: Will You Obey Any New COVID Edicts?

Rich and Doug discuss COVID’s supposed comeback in this fresh podcast.

E311: Two Pastors Discuss The Sound of Freedom Movie

Rich and Doug discuss the movie that’s shaking up our sleepy church and nation right now in this epic podcast.

E299: Transgendered Person Kills Christians – Is That A Hate Crime?

Rich and Doug discuss the disgusting Covenant Christian School Massacre by Trans Lunatic.

E295: Is The Asbury Revival Legit?

Rich and Doug discuss the good, bad, and ugly aspects of Revivals in this epic podcast.

E280: States That Embrace Evil Should Brace For Judgment

Rich and Doug discuss the judgment of God against the anti-Christian policies embraced by many U.S. States in this epic podcast.

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