Rich and Doug discuss the culpability of parents in a recent landmark trial.
Doug and special guest Albin Sadar expose how believers aid and abet evil in this pure-fire podcast.
Rich and Doug blame Democrats and Republicans for the border BS. Here’s why…
Rich and Doug discuss the evils of this world and how to pray mighty prayers. This is a powerful episode that you won’t want to miss!
Rich and Doug discuss the demonic attack on Israel by Hamas Terrorists in this epic podcast
Rich and Doug discuss COVID’s supposed comeback in this fresh podcast.
Rich and Doug discuss the movie that’s shaking up our sleepy church and nation right now in this epic podcast.
Rich and Doug discuss the disgusting Covenant Christian School Massacre by Trans Lunatic.
Rich and Doug discuss the good, bad, and ugly aspects of Revivals in this epic podcast.
Rich and Doug discuss the judgment of God against the anti-Christian policies embraced by many U.S. States in this epic podcast.