
E341: False Repentance

Rich and Doug discuss Esau, King Saul, and Judas in this sobering podcast. Enjoy and share.

E340: Our Riches in Christ

Rich and Doug spotlight a chunk of scripture that is mind-blowing for the believer in the mind-renewing podcast.

E338: The Battle for The Mind

Rich and Doug discuss defeating devils in this fresh rowdy podcast.

E337: Here’s How Christians Assist Satan

Doug and special guest Albin Sadar expose how believers aid and abet evil in this pure-fire podcast.

E335: I Am Renewing My Mind – Part 2

Doug and Rich follow up with an explosive podcast on changing the WAY that you think! You won’t want to miss the tools explained to help you change!

E334: I Am Renewing My Mind – Part 1

Doug and Rich break out an encouraging podcast to help you prepare for the New Year!

E331: 3 Ways the Devil Will Try to Steal Your Identity in Christ

Rich and Doug deep dive the power of getting your identity from God and not others.

E330: Here’s a Book for Young Men That You Won’t Get at Youth Group

Rich and Doug discuss a new book for young warriors that definitely has teeth to it. Enjoy and share with the brothers.

E328: Two More Demonic Traits of The Uber Religious

Rich and Doug continue to discuss the scriptures ultimate bad guys, The Pharisees, in this fresh podcast. Enjoy, subscribe, comment, and share.

E327: You Might Be a Pharisee If…

Rich and Doug discuss the Scripture’s ultimate bad guys in this fresh podcast. Enjoy and share with others…

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