In this podcast, Rich and Doug discuss hypocrisy, mask-wearing, and various forms of deception.
Rich and Doug discuss the Drag Queen invasion of Churches and schools in this epic podcast.
It appears as if the smarmy wizards of all things Church Growth related were more off base than Pete Rose on a wild pitch. Enjoy and share.
Rich and Doug discuss partying principles that’ll keep young people from ending up with a toe tag at an early age.
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Rich and Doug discuss this historic overturning of hell’s most damnable piece of legislation, Roe v. Wade.
Rich and Doug go old school with their dating advice for young ladies. Every father with a daughter should listen to this podcast.
Uh, oh. Rich and Doug go there in this no holds barred podcast. Enjoy and share.
Doug and Rich discuss the pastors who continue to follow Fauci instead of Jesus. It’s time to man up and follow the Word. Is Government your god?
Rich and Doug discuss all the bizarre trans stuff that’s being foisted on We The People in this epic podcast.
Rich and Doug discuss ‘The slap heard ’round the world’ in this rowdy podcast.