Rich and Doug examine a prophetic passage in the book of Isaiah that will sober the listener up. Enjoy and share.
Rich and Doug discuss the individual’s identity and the importance of having it grounded in God in this epic podcast. Enjoy and share.
Rich and Doug discuss a new book for young warriors that definitely has teeth to it. Enjoy and share with the brothers.
Rich and Doug discuss how we often limit what God can do in our lives.
Discovering WHOSE you are is key to understanding WHO you are! Doug and Rich attack this topic that is both relevant and inspiring!
Every young warrior needs to listen to this podcast from Rich and Doug.
Rich and Doug discuss the fine line of being a good dad and going rogue as a disciplinarian in this epic podcast.
Rich and Doug powwow with a young man of God who’s not your typical Christian male in this epic podcast.
Rich and Doug discuss how God always picks folks most religious people would scorn.
The call of God on a man’s life is an amazing thing to discover. Rich and Pastor Tom Reynard discuss world missions, the call, and the price. Get ready to laugh, be challenged, and encouraged!