
Dear Christian: You Might Be A Wuss, But Jesus Wasn’t | #DOUGCAST B43

Our wussified culture has created for themselves a wussified, Faux Christ, who’s nicer than the actual Jesus and has little to nothing to do with the rebellious, young Galilean who kicked up dust on the mean streets in the Middle East many moons ago. Consequently, his followers are expected to produce gelded disciples who do not upset the world like the first century believers did.

B29: Nietzsche Saw A Contradiction Between Christianity And Masculinity

Given the overt effeminization of the church from the 13th onward, can you blame him?

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DOUGCAST: Can You Imagine Dirty Harry Going To A Highly Effeminized Church?

Play this message to your entire pastoral staff. Especially to your hipster college pastor.


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B23: A LACK Of Masculine Men In Church Is A CURSE, Not A Blessing

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If you read scripture correctly and have been superficially briefed in church history, you know that an imbalance of women to men and the lack of masculine men among the males who do attend church is not the way it’s supposed to be. At least when God’s blessing was upon his people.

Original Artwork by our own: Doug Giles
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 Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male
by Doug Giles

Doug Giles, best-selling author of Raising Righteous And Rowdy Girls and Editor-In-Chief of the mega-blog,, has just penned a book he guarantees will kick hipster males into the rarefied air of masculinity. That is, if the man-child will put down his frappuccino; shut the hell up and listen and obey everything he instructs them to do in his timely and tornadic tome. Buy Now: Pussification: The Effeminization Of The American Male


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E82: ‘Experts’ In Psychology Have Deemed Masculinity A Sickness

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Rich and Doug go to town on the therapeutic community that unashamedly want to effeminize your sons.
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E80: Brown Bears, Jesus & Sacrificial Heroes

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In this Warriors & Wildmen podcast Rich and Doug y’all with Master Guide, Wayne Woods, about Bear hunting, his son’s sacrifice in Ramadi and other stuff you’ll never hear on CNN.

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E79: Kevin Hart Was Right NOT To Apologize To The Thought Police

Rich and Doug talk about Kevin Hart getting booted from the Oscars in this politically correct world gone mad! Enjoy the podcast and share with a friend!!

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E74: Female Preacher Has Bro REPENT To All Women – We Call BS

Man hating is the soup de jour in postmodernism and, unfortunately, it has infected the church. Rich and Doug put this silliness on FULL BLAST. Enjoy.

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DO YOU HAVE THE METAL to carry the Warriors & Wildmen MAN CARD? That’s right, it’s a steel card.  The back of the card reminds you to “DO EPIC STUFF” (or “DO EPIC SH*T”, your choice).  Every time you do something EPIC for God, family, or others, overcome a fear, or achieve a conquest in your life, you are challenged to “scar the card.” Hit it with a hammer or a bang it with a rock! Make sure to leave a scar to remind you of your conquests.

Take a pic with the card scarred up and share your story with us!  Join the movement. #scarthecard
Man Card

E73: Long Ashes & Big Butts

In this Warriors & Wildmen Podcast, Rich and Doug talk about one their favorite topics … cigars. Persnickety religious dorks will HATE this podcast but aficionados and beginners will glean greatly from their dialogue. Enjoy.

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DO YOU HAVE THE METAL to carry the Warriors & Wildmen MAN CARD? That’s right, it’s a steel card.  The back of the card reminds you to “DO EPIC STUFF” (or “DO EPIC SH*T”, your choice).  Every time you do something EPIC for God, family, or others, overcome a fear, or achieve a conquest in your life, you are challenged to “scar the card.” Hit it with a hammer or a bang it with a rock! Make sure to leave a scar to remind you of your conquests.

Take a pic with the card scarred up and share your story with us!  Join the movement. #scarthecard

E67: Depression, How to Kick Depression’s A** (Pt 1)

Depressed? If you said, ‘Yes’, you’re not alone. Lots of regular folks deal with it on a regular basis. Rich and Doug discuss how to beat it so that it doesn’t beat you in this very informal, gloves off, bare-knuckle, Warriors & Wildmen

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