
E377: Biblical Warrior Art

Rich and Doug discuss Doug’s new book, GILES VOL.I: The Biblical Warrior Collection, in this epic podcast.

E334: I Am Renewing My Mind – Part 1

Doug and Rich break out an encouraging podcast to help you prepare for the New Year!

E326: If Life Imitates Art, Don’t Get Lame Art

Rich and Doug discuss the importance of art in the life of the believer in this fresh podcast.

E308: All Things for Good

Rich and Doug discuss in this episode the richness of a very familiar verse, Romans 8:28.

E274: Everyone Going Everywhere, Telling Everybody!

Doug and Rich talk about the importance of every church and every believer being on a mission! Let’s rock this planet with the truth of Jesus!

E140: Evangelism Jesus Style.

Rich and Doug discuss parts of Jesus’ message that very few ministers mention any more.

E132: 9 Lessons on Casting Vision

Yep, you read that title right. It’s the first podcast for 2020 and in this episode, Rich and Doug break down 9 lessons we all need to learn. Share this podcast with someone who needs to hear it! Enjoy.

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