
E268: 7 Characteristics Of A False Teacher: Part 3

Rich and Doug discuss the biblical definition of a false teacher in this very important, multi-part, series.

E266: 7 Characteristics Of A False Teacher: Part 2

Rich and Doug discuss the biblical definition of a false teacher in this very important, multi-part, series.

E260: Here’s 9 Signs You’re Abusing Your Pastor

Rich and Doug deep-dive the topic of churches who give their pastor way too much crap. Enjoy and share.

E255: Should Christians Obey Every Authority All of the Time?

In this podcast, Rich and Doug discuss good, bad, and ugly authority in the Church, Family, and State.

E245: Se7en Things I Hate About Satan: Part Three

In this podcast, Rich and Doug deal with those peeps who’re half-a$$ instead of wholehearted in their pursuit of that which is holy, just, and good. Enjoy and share with your languid amigos.

E241: Whistleblower Exposes 2021 Spike In Severe Illnesses In TX National Guard

Rich and Doug’s special guest has some sober things you need to hear about the alarming effects of the v@ccine that was administered to the Texas National Guard.

E227: Wartime Pastors Needed – Part 4

Rich and Doug discuss the sin of Pastors saying nothing while our Church and nation are getting ransacked.

E225: Wartime Pastors Needed – Part 3

Rich and Doug discuss the sin of Pastors saying nothing while our Church and nation are getting ransacked.

E224: Wartime Pastors Needed – Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, Doug and Rich continue to discuss evil in America and what the Pastors and Churches must do to stop it! The list starts here with controversial issues that must be confronted by Pastors, Parents, and Patriots.

E223: Wartime Pastors Needed

In this timely podcast, Doug and Rich discuss the dire need of Pastors who recognize and engage in the spiritual war that is raging in America. It’s time to wake up and address evil in our government, education system, culture, and even churches.

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