
E222: Christian Youth Groups Need Strong Meat, Not Religious Pablum

Rich and Doug dissect a sacred cow of evangelicalism, namely Youth Groups. Yes, it gets ugly. Enjoy and share.

E221: Prepare. Defend. Lead.

Rich and Doug discuss podcaster Joe Prim’s new book, Open: Six Life-Changing Principles, in this bare-knuckle broadcast. Enjoy and share.

E184 – WATCH: General Flynn Talks Election Fraud, Robust Faith and Righteous Resistance

Rich and Doug go deep and wide in this epic interview with General Michael Flynn.

E172: 90% Of Conservative Pastors Won’t Touch Cultural Issues – Here’s Why.

Conservative Pastors were asked, “Why won’t you preach about these cultural issues?” Their response will make you vomit.

E164: Every Craven COVID Pastor Needs To Hear This Podcast

Rich and Doug discuss an epic Biblical event that, more than likely, is being ignored by the chicken COVID churches. Enjoy and share with your buddies.

E160: A Green Beret Speaks About The Father’s Role: Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Dave Clukey on Personal Responsibility

Rich and Doug have a dynamic conversation with this warrior!  Dave is insightful, thoughtful, and practical in his discussion about how to handle mobs, defend your family, and the responsibility of training your children to take personal responsibility.  Hold on!

E159: Green Beret: An Interview with Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Dave Clukey

So you want to be Special Forces? Rich and Doug interview a real-life Warrior and Wildman! Mental toughness, team, planning, and preparation are all topics on this great conversation. We can all learn some valuable lessons from this true American patriot!



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E139: Jesus’ Chooses From The Back Of The Line

If you feel dissed by the Christian glitterati because you’re not ‘good enough’ or ‘smart enough’ then you need to listen to this podcast.

E131: Do You Have The Courage To Be Like Jesus?

Join us as our guest, Dean Curry (Pastor and Author) join Doug and Rich for part -2 of this powerful soul-searching, hard-hitting podcast. Dean challenges men to be like Jesus in this world. This is not for the faint of heart!

E123: Is There Some New ‘RULE’ That Pastors Have To Be Tinkerpots?

Rich and Doug throw down the gauntlet on today’s easy-breezy summer squeezy ministers of lite musings. This podcast will cast the devil out of compromised clergy. Enjoy

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