
E359: The Colossal Failure of The LEOs Guarding Trump

Rich and Doug discuss the ridiculous breakdown of Trump’s “security” detail last weekend.

E357: Two Pastors Discuss The Debate Debacle

Here’s a conversation you will not hear about the debate from your typical pastor. Enjoy and share.

E336: Border War.

Rich and Doug blame Democrats and Republicans for the border BS. Here’s why…

E280: States That Embrace Evil Should Brace For Judgment

Rich and Doug discuss the judgment of God against the anti-Christian policies embraced by many U.S. States in this epic podcast.

E278: Ministers Who Embrace Evil Politicians Should Repent

Rich and Doug discuss a “major minister” who was just mugging it up with a godless politician in this epic podcast.

E262: Mass Shootings and Red Flag Laws

In this controversial episode, Doug and Rich discuss the political reality of the increase in Mass Shootings leading up to the midterm elections. They also address the dangers of the proposed “Red Flag Laws” in many states.


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E209: Biden’s Boys Get Busted Spying On This Epic Patriot

Creepy Joe’s creep factor just grew ten-fold for this spying infraction. As you can imagine, Rich and Doug go mach2 on this egregious overreach.

E172: 90% Of Conservative Pastors Won’t Touch Cultural Issues – Here’s Why.

Conservative Pastors were asked, “Why won’t you preach about these cultural issues?” Their response will make you vomit.

E171: Christian Minister Says God’s Judgment Is Coming To Anti-Trumpers This November

In this podcast, Rich and Doug discuss a dire prophetic warning leveled at the anti-Trump cabal in the U.S.

E144: “Follow The Money!” The Coronavirus And World Economies With Former SVp of Meril Lynch

Doug and Rich talk with Mahmoud Elwadi, former First Vice President at Merill Lynch and author of “THIRTY-ONE DOLLARS: From Washing Dishes To Wall Street, My Journey Pursuing The American Dream,” about how the Coronavirus is affecting world markets, the US economy, and our lives. His Facebook Live video was viewed more than 158 million times. This interview is hard-hitting and pulls no punches! NOTE: CHINA WILL NOT BE HAPPY WITH THIS INTERVIEW!

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