
WATCH: Doug & Rich Discuss Kaepernick and Christianity

Your facebook feed probably is full of burning Nike products, but what does that have to do with our churches? Doug & Rich discuss Christianity & Racism in 2018. Enjoy.


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Violence Seems To Be The Soup du Jour For The Radical Left

Poor little Leftists. No one wants to listen to their nonsensical, jacked up, entitlement mentality and feckless worldview. So, being bellicose little brats, they do what most petulant little tyrants do namely, they start breaking crap. Rich and Doug predict that this will not end well for THEM.


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E61: Judge Jeanine Goes On The Warriors & Wildmen Podcast And It Gets Crazy

Bestselling author and Fox News host, Judge Jeanine Pirro joins Rich and Doug for a rowdy round of epic one-liners guaranteed to weed out the multitude of snowflakes in America. Enjoy this bare-knuckle broadcast.

Get the story the Fake News media doesn’t want you to hear in the #1 New York Times bestseller.  http://waw.fm/liars-leakers-and-liberals

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LISTEN: Pastor Says, A Christian Can’t Be A Liberal And Be Faithful To God

Rich and Doug challenge the crap out of the supposed Christians who’ve embraced what Liberalism has devolved down to namely, rank anti-Christian socialistic garbage.


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WATCH: 2 Bro’s Hammer Godless Liberals Use Of Scripture When Talking About Immigration

Rich and Doug go full metal jacket on the liberal jackanapes who try to bible thump America into submission to their lawless immigration policies. You’ll enjoy this one.

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E43: Dear CNN & Trump Haters: Without God’s Grace … You’d Probably Boink Stormy Also

Super wealthy people in the entertainment industry and the business world face temptations most Average Joe’s will never face. While their supposed behavior might shock some folks, truth be told, if it weren’t for God’s saving grace we’d probably do the same thing. Listen to Rich and Doug slice and dice the tricky topic.


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E32: Two Christian Bro’s Call BS On Oprah’s Golden Globe’s Speech

Rich and Doug take The Left’s newly crowned queen, Oprah, to task for her rank hypocrisy in her #TimesUp speech. Enjoy.


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