
E377: Biblical Warrior Art

Rich and Doug discuss Doug’s new book, GILES VOL.I: The Biblical Warrior Collection, in this epic podcast.

E363: Strong Girls

In this epic episode, Doug flies solo and interviews a dynamic Dad and young daughter duo who’re slaying devils with an incredible new book for girls.

E353: Young Woman’s Testimony About Falling Away From God Is a Must Watch

Every parent needs to watch this. Also, if you have lost your walk with God, don’t miss this episode. 🔥

E331: 3 Ways the Devil Will Try to Steal Your Identity in Christ

Rich and Doug deep dive the power of getting your identity from God and not others.

E326: If Life Imitates Art, Don’t Get Lame Art

Rich and Doug discuss the importance of art in the life of the believer in this fresh podcast.

E321: Are you Delusional? Part 2

Doug and Rich continue to discuss seven ways a person can deceive themselves. Part 1 covers the first three and this episode covers the last four. This is big-time stuff!

E314: Identity: Who Am I? Part – 1

People are more confused today than ever before. Doug and Rich discuss identity according to man’s origin and his intended purpose. This is a powerful episode that you won’t want to miss!

E313: Christians & Cigars.

Cigar lovers will LOVE this podcast. Legalists, on the other hand, will hate it. Enjoy and share with your cigar-loving friends.

E286: Christians & Suicide

Rich and Doug discuss this difficult topic in today’s podcast.

E269: Partying In The 21st Century Can Kill You… Literally

Rich and Doug discuss partying principles that’ll keep young people from ending up with a toe tag at an early age.


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