
E117: God, Change Me!

Have you ever wanted to change but didn’t know where to begin? Is it God’s job to change us, or is it our job to change ourselves? Doug and Rich attempt to tackle this real theological issue from different perspectives. It’s practical, insightful, and extremely helpful for those who are ready to change!

E100: The Five ‘B’s’ Every Man Needs

Rich and Doug focus on five must-haves to be a truly effective man.

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E73: Long Ashes & Big Butts

In this Warriors & Wildmen Podcast, Rich and Doug talk about one their favorite topics … cigars. Persnickety religious dorks will HATE this podcast but aficionados and beginners will glean greatly from their dialogue. Enjoy.

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DO YOU HAVE THE METAL to carry the Warriors & Wildmen MAN CARD? That’s right, it’s a steel card.  The back of the card reminds you to “DO EPIC STUFF” (or “DO EPIC SH*T”, your choice).  Every time you do something EPIC for God, family, or others, overcome a fear, or achieve a conquest in your life, you are challenged to “scar the card.” Hit it with a hammer or a bang it with a rock! Make sure to leave a scar to remind you of your conquests.

Take a pic with the card scarred up and share your story with us!  Join the movement. #scarthecard

#DOUGCAST: Great People Grow When Opposed – So, What’s Your Problem?

This Dougcast is a MUST for those who just got handed terrible news. If that’s not you, please share it with people you know who are going through a very rough patch.


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Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christians gives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.
Get yours today!

E68: Depression: How to Kick Depression’s A** (Pt 2)

The Warriors & Wildmen Cure For DEPRESSION Is Something You’ll NEVER Hear In Sunday School. Here’s some hilarious and hard-hitting advice for those of us who’re prone to get down in the dumps. Immensely practical, rock-solid and timely.


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E67: Depression, How to Kick Depression’s A** (Pt 1)

Depressed? If you said, ‘Yes’, you’re not alone. Lots of regular folks deal with it on a regular basis. Rich and Doug discuss how to beat it so that it doesn’t beat you in this very informal, gloves off, bare-knuckle, Warriors & Wildmen

Don’t miss the next one! Sign up for the podcast on your favorite platforms: ☠️??

Apple Podcasts – Spotify – Google Play Music – Soundcloud – Stitcher – YouTube

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