
E134: Why Are Some ‘Christians’ Opposing Kanye’s Ministry?

Rich and Doug take on the Christian critics of Kanye’s new found faith in this raucous podcast.

E115: Dear Pastor: Here’s How You Can Preach And NOT Convert Anyone

Brace yourself for this one. I guarantee if your pastor is beset with ogling public opinion and is a spiritual weather vane he ain’t gonna like this podcast. However, if you’re sick of PC-speech then this Bud is for you. Enjoy.

B53: Hey Atheist Get Your Own Moral Code – Pt 1

Don’t you love how atheists borrow moral capital from the Christian worldview? In this #DOUGCAST, Giles puts them on FULL BLAST. Enjoy.

#DOUGCAST B36: The Pope vs. Trump: My Money’s On Trump

Pope Francis just can’t seem to keep his papal nose out of U.S. policy. Here’s his latest lecture to President Trump. Francis needs to stick to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

E87: Millennial Christians Pooh-Pooh Evangelism So We Put Them On FULL BLAST

What do you think about the episode?  Comment below or email us
Rich and Doug are in rare form as they dissect millennial Christians aversion to preaching the gospel.
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DO YOU HAVE THE METAL to carry the Warriors & Wildmen MAN CARD? That’s right, it’s a steel card.  The back of the card reminds you to “DO EPIC STUFF” (or “DO EPIC SH*T”, your choice).  Every time you do something EPIC for God, family, or others, overcome a fear, or achieve a conquest in your life, you are challenged to “scar the card.” Hit it with a hammer or a bang it with a rock! Make sure to leave a scar to remind you of your conquests.

Take a pic with the card scarred up and share your story with us!  Join the movement. #scarthecard
Man Card

WATCH: Doug & Rich Discuss Kaepernick and Christianity

Your facebook feed probably is full of burning Nike products, but what does that have to do with our churches? Doug & Rich discuss Christianity & Racism in 2018. Enjoy.


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Violence Seems To Be The Soup du Jour For The Radical Left

Poor little Leftists. No one wants to listen to their nonsensical, jacked up, entitlement mentality and feckless worldview. So, being bellicose little brats, they do what most petulant little tyrants do namely, they start breaking crap. Rich and Doug predict that this will not end well for THEM.


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LISTEN: Pastor Says, A Christian Can’t Be A Liberal And Be Faithful To God

Rich and Doug challenge the crap out of the supposed Christians who’ve embraced what Liberalism has devolved down to namely, rank anti-Christian socialistic garbage.


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Dear Parents: Would You Allow Drag Queens To Read To Your Kiddies About Drag Queens?

This world has officially gone frickin’ nuts and your kids are in the cultural crosshairs. Rich and Doug expose a wicked trend of Drag Queen story-tellers marshaled before young and impressionable kids. Possibility, YOUR kids. Buckle up for this one, ladies and gents.


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E46: Two Pastors Say Wearing A Beard Is A Sin – So We Put Them On Full Roast

The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so, because there were thousands of bad Commas, wild Question.

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