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E66: The Fight for Faith and the Christian Worldview with Dinesh D’Souza!

Dinesh D’Souza spits fire with Doug and Rich and absolutely kills it on this episode of the Warriors and Wildmen Podcast. Every Christian needs to hear this! Minds will be BLOWN! You’ll need to listen to this twice and then send it to your friends.

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#DOUGCAST: Biblical Badass: Elijah

Elijah was different because he had an attitude, and this attitude was a threat to all that was evil. He was a hazard to cultural constructs that would keep him and those he loved dumb and down and beholden to shady leaders. Elijah was not a dutiful and domesticated ecclesiastical cow of the politically and culturally correct constructs. Oh, heck no. Elijah was a bad-ass.


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Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christiansgives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.
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WATCH: Doug & Rich Discuss Kaepernick and Christianity

Your facebook feed probably is full of burning Nike products, but what does that have to do with our churches? Doug & Rich discuss Christianity & Racism in 2018. Enjoy.


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Violence Seems To Be The Soup du Jour For The Radical Left

Poor little Leftists. No one wants to listen to their nonsensical, jacked up, entitlement mentality and feckless worldview. So, being bellicose little brats, they do what most petulant little tyrants do namely, they start breaking crap. Rich and Doug predict that this will not end well for THEM.


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#DOUGCAST: If You Want To Be A Biblical Badass – Do These 2 Things

Here’s a powerful exhortation for those who want to do something with their lives that truly leaves a scar on Satan’s crumbling kingdom. Brace yourself for Giles’ latest podcast.


Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christians gives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.  Get yours today!

E63: If You Want To Stay A Pathetic P*ssy, Keep Blaming Others For Your Problems

Rich and Doug tackle the most hated topic amongst slack-jawed wastoids namely… responsibility. Responsibility is a key component to great men and women. Would people label you as responsible? Put on a cup for this podcast. Enjoy.

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#DOUGCAST Dear Christian: The Apostle Paul Kicked Ass When He Went Through Pain & Persecution – Be Like Paul

The powers of darkness thought they ‘had’ Paul when he got tossed into prison. On the contrary, God and Paul had them. From Paul’s pain and persecution came forth great ministry and earthshaking correspondence. Does your pain produce incredible fruit like Paul’s did? If not, why not?

Rules For Radical Christians is not a survival devotional designed to help the young Christian adult limp through life. Rather, it is a road-tested, dominion blueprint that will equip the young adult with leadership skills and sufficient motivation to rise to a place of influence in an overtly non-Christian culture. Rules For Radical Christians gives the reader the keys to become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God.

Get yours today!

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E62: Who Would Jesus Troll? Should Christians Argue With Idiots On Social Media?

The internet is a freaky place of anonymity and insults by keyboard warriors who, in real life, are probably gutless wonders. Rich and Doug discuss what to do when some demonic pissant comes at you. This is a very interesting podcast.


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#DOUGCAST Dear Whiner: Crap Makes Plants Grow – Your Crappy Situation Is Your Best Friend

David said in Psalm 4 that God ‘enlarged’ him when he was in ‘distress’. Imagine that, Dinky: grow in and through PAIN. In this podcast Doug gives 7 ways to handle the hellish trials that could be hitting you right now. Enjoy.

PUSS-I-FI-CA-TION: The act, or process, of a man being shamed, taught, lead, pastored, drugged or otherwise coerced or cajoled into throwing out his brain, handing over his balls and formally abandoning the rarefied air of the testosterone-leader-fog that God and nature hardwired him to dwell in, and instead become a weak, effeminate, mangina sporting, shriveled up little pussy. * From The Doug Giles 2016 Dictionary of Grow the Hell Up, You Pussy!

In Giles’ latest, and most raucous book, he takes ‘Generation Pussy’ from the warm wet womb of ‘Pussville’ to the rarefied air of ‘Mantown.’ This is definitely one of the most politically incorrect books to ever hit the market. It will most certainly offend the entitled whiners, but it will also be a breath of fresh air to young males who wish to be men versus hipster dandies.

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E61: Judge Jeanine Goes On The Warriors & Wildmen Podcast And It Gets Crazy

Bestselling author and Fox News host, Judge Jeanine Pirro joins Rich and Doug for a rowdy round of epic one-liners guaranteed to weed out the multitude of snowflakes in America. Enjoy this bare-knuckle broadcast.

Get the story the Fake News media doesn’t want you to hear in the #1 New York Times bestseller.

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