
E156: Dear Christian: Your Fear Of Death Is Unbiblical

Rich and Doug talk about taking the big dirt nap in this epic podcast. Enjoy and share with a Christian who needs to hear.

E152: The Church Has Left The Building

Doug and Rich blow away Cultural American Christianity’s view of the Church using the biblical prototype from the Book of Acts.  The Church is a community, not a building! Get ready to be challenged to the core!

E151: Watch: Ted Nugent Blasts Cops Who Carry Out Unconstitutional COVID Orders

Ted and Shemane Nugent join Rich and Doug for this Warrior & Wildmen podcast and it got rowdy. As is in real rowdy. Enjoy and share with patriots.

E150: Question: Should Pastors Obey COVID19 Orders Regarding Church?

Holy guacamole, Batman! Rich and Doug ‘go there’ in this podcast which will definitely get them on De Blasio’s fascist ‘Watch List’. Enjoy and share with the brothers and the sisters.

E146: COVID-19 FACTS: Debunking Media Hype and Social Media Hysteria

Doug and Rich called the COVID-19 Sham-demic from the beginning! Fake News continues to sell fear, but Warriors and Wildmen are telling it how it is! Enjoy and share it with others…

E131: Do You Have The Courage To Be Like Jesus?

Join us as our guest, Dean Curry (Pastor and Author) join Doug and Rich for part -2 of this powerful soul-searching, hard-hitting podcast. Dean challenges men to be like Jesus in this world. This is not for the faint of heart!

E130: Keyboard Warriors: How Social Media Is Promoting Pseudo-courage

Dean Curry, Pastor and Author, joins Doug and Rich to shed light on the lack of real courage in the world today. Get ready to be called out!

E124: Is Kanye’s Conversion ‘REAL’ – This Podcast Will Definitely Offend Many People

Rich and Doug discuss Kanye, his latest album, ‘Jesus Is King’ and the controversy surrounding his conversion experience and subsequent ministry in this epic podcast. Enjoy and share.

E112: Jesus & Self Defense

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Dear Christian: You Might Be A Wuss, But Jesus Wasn’t | #DOUGCAST B43

Our wussified culture has created for themselves a wussified, Faux Christ, who’s nicer than the actual Jesus and has little to nothing to do with the rebellious, young Galilean who kicked up dust on the mean streets in the Middle East many moons ago. Consequently, his followers are expected to produce gelded disciples who do not upset the world like the first century believers did.

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