Podcast Topic

E156: Dear Christian: Your Fear Of Death Is Unbiblical

Rich and Doug talk about taking the big dirt nap in this epic podcast. Enjoy and share with a Christian who needs to hear.

Christ & Chaos: Serving God During Crap Conditions | E155

Rich and Doug discuss following God during times of absolute madness. We guarantee Pelosi, CNN and BLM will not listen to this podcast. If they do listen, they won’t take it to heart but we’re guessing you will.

E154: How Would Jesus Riot?

Rich, Doug, and Guest David Curry discuss the need for limits to righteous outrage in this powerful podcast.

E153: Excessive Force: The Murder of George Floyd

Rich and Doug discuss the recent death of George Floyd and the outrage which ensued in this somber podcast.

E152: The Church Has Left The Building

Doug and Rich blow away Cultural American Christianity’s view of the Church using the biblical prototype from the Book of Acts.  The Church is a community, not a building! Get ready to be challenged to the core!

E151: Watch: Ted Nugent Blasts Cops Who Carry Out Unconstitutional COVID Orders

Ted and Shemane Nugent join Rich and Doug for this Warrior & Wildmen podcast and it got rowdy. As is in real rowdy. Enjoy and share with patriots.

E150: Question: Should Pastors Obey COVID19 Orders Regarding Church?

Holy guacamole, Batman! Rich and Doug ‘go there’ in this podcast which will definitely get them on De Blasio’s fascist ‘Watch List’. Enjoy and share with the brothers and the sisters.

E149: Big Govt Wants You To Be Their Slave – It’s The ‘New Normal’

Rich and Doug lay the wood to ‘We The Sheeple’ who have traded their liberty for supposed safety. In addition, there’s a tremendous rebuke for Christians who traded in their convictions and cojones during this fake COVID crisis.

E148: The Bible Calls Us To Relax And Be Joyful Even In Crap Conditions

Rich and Doug discuss something that you won’t hear in fear-laden Churches. Are they right or ridiculous?

E147: COVID-19 Crisis and the Church

The world may be in Crisis, but the believer should be in Christ! Doug and Rich encourage the Church to rise up, shine, to give hope, and to help when society is fearful. This is a WAKE-UP CALL to the true Church!

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